
Course Outline


  • Private FaceBook Group
  • Q & A with every session
  • Pdfs
  • Access to recordings of content
  • Tired of feeling like a punching bag?
  • Outraged at how she gets away with behaviour that would land you in jail?
  • Fed up with trying to be a nice guy and having it thrown in your face?
  • Shaking your head when taking action in the best interest of the children doesn’t seem to apply to the ex, only to you.

If you have had this or similar problems hit you over the head, man, you are in the right place. If you want a program that is full of ideas, tips, and support – from someone who has been there – this is for you.

7 Modules:

1)  The Map

2) The Problem(s)

3) Traps and Pitfalls

4) The Ego

5) Managing Emotions: Yours and Hers

6) Effective Communication

7) Self-care

12 Sessions

In these 12 sessions you will create a Map, find out where you are on the Map, and determine your end goal and how to get there. See below for session breakdown.

Session 1. The Map

You are in the deep, dark, and threatening jungle. Having a Map is not an option – it is a necessity.

Session 2. The Stay Sane System (TM)

Discover and explore the elements that comprise the “system” and how to use it so that you become aware of what drives you crazy and how to implement effective counter-strategies.

Session 3. Traps, Pitfalls, and Landmines

Knowing what and where the landmines are and how to train yourself to become effective in detection and avoidance is essentail to surviving separationa and divorce.

Session 4. The Ego

Identifying what works about your Ego and what doesn’t, helps you to stop shooting yourself in the foot and produce better outcomes.

Session 5. Managing Your Emotions

Probably the most important factor in becoming an effective comunicator. Whether you under express, or over express, understanding what drives your behaviour is critical for increasing your chances of success in negotiation.

Session 6. Her Emotions

You may never eunderstand her emotions but learning to deal with them is fundamental for achieving better outcomes.

Session 7. Basic Communication Skills

Communication (def.): To succeed in conveying one’s ideas or in evoking understanding in others. Especially important in high-conflict situations.

Session 8. Advanced Communication Skills

In this section we explore multiple influences that affect your communication style – what works and what doesn’t.

Session 9. How to Stop the Bleeding

Identifying and understand unhealthy coping strategies so that we stop the negative spiral into the toilet.

Session 10. Coping Strategies

Creating healthy coping strategies to deal with the stress, pain, and anger towards the ex and the system enhances the survival process and moves us away from becoming victims of injustice.

Session 11. Support Systems

Going it alone is not fun. In this session we examine and enhance our support systems so that we maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Session 12. Assessment and Reinforcement

Here we look back and identify what worked, what didn’t, where we want to go, and the means to get there.

Free E-Book

Read For Free!

Get a jump on the course by reading about the seven critical factors for surviving separation and divorce.

The Basics

1) EQ and working with it

2) Working with your Ex’s emotions

3) Strategies for self-protection when buttons are pushed

4) Communication skills in high-conflict situations

5) Creating support systems

6) Staying healthy

7) Keeping your eye on the ball

Get Started Today


Learn how to effectively manage your frustrations and anger.


Achieve greater serenity and peace of mind.


Like in war, survival is the name of the game. Steven will help you navigate the pitfalls, traps, and systemic blocks that make your life frustrating beyond belief.

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Supporting men through technology

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